Thanksgiving letters to my children – Kaley

November 2015

I have decided that since this is the week before Thanksgiving, and traditionally “Family” week in my home, that I am going to write an article a day about my kids! I know how much they all love it when they are the subject of my blogs.

So, today’s story is about,  Kaley, my oldest daughter. Kaley and I started out life together from day one, with her trying to manipulate my into doing things the way she wanted them:) Being a first time Mom, I had no idea how to deal with a baby that was so good at getting her way! I remember my first trip out of town to visit my parents in Leesburg. What should have only should have been an hour and a half drive, ended up taking me twice that long each way, because she would cry the entire time she was in her car seat. Only way she would stop was if I pulled over and nursed her! I stopped in Micanopy on the way home and called my husband to come and pick her up, because my ears could not stand another minute driving in a car with a screaming baby:)

This turned into her wanting to only sleep in bed with me at night. I would put her in her crib, then she would start screaming, about midnight every night. If her Dad walked in the room, she would immediately drop down into sleeping position, and pretend to be asleep. Then the minute he would leave, she would start up again. Then when I finally gave up, and walked into her room – she would be standing up with her arms raised because she knew I could not resist, and would pick her up.

These qualities of being smart, stubborn, and determined, turned into good qualities as she got older. Those are all qualities, that females really need to get ahead in this world.  Her love of all things horse related started by the age of 2. I remember using, ” My little Ponies” to bribe her to do everything from jumping off the diving board, to potty training. I don’t however recommend this – it turns into a very expensive hobby, when they turn into live ponies and horses!

Kaley has carried on her love of adventure and horses with her throughout her life. She now manages and trains at a wonderful Equestrian Barn in Maryland, where she is able to share her love of riding, and her knowledge and skills with other riders. I know she loves working with children , and seeing their eyes light up as they spend time on their horses, or master a new skill.

My favorite adventure with Kaley was when we rented a sailboat in Australia, and took it out on the water together. We thought we knew what we were doing, after a brief period of instruction – after all – how hard could it be? Well two hours later, after getting stuck on endless sand bars, almost capsizing, and then sailing right in front of a sea plane landing on the water, we finally gave up and called for the tour guides to come rescue us. When they seemed to be ignoring us, or probably just enjoying laughing at our antics, and watching two totally clueless people making fools of themselves, our language and gestures might have gotten a little colorful. That is one of the most fun days together I remember:)

We also had fun going to horse shows together. My riding was never anything near her ability, but we still had fun. It was hard for me to keep a straight face and be serious riding around the ring with her and the other kids watching me. I tend to be able to hold conversations with anyone in my vicinity in any situation I find myself in. I remember one Triathlon holding conversations with other swimmers as we rounded the first buoy in the water. also when biking and “running”.  Another funny memory was the summer we rented a historic home up in Middleburg for the horse show season, that might, or might not, have been haunted. Whether it was or not, we sure had fun pulling pranks on one her trainers who was very superstitious.

So, these are some of my favorite memories with Kaley. It is kind of ironic, given our lack of sailing abilities, that she married a guy who races sailboats! Can’t wait until she provides me with another Lead Line rider to dress up and take to horse shows:) Update:) My new little rider, Ava, is due on my Graduation Day, 04/28/2016! And from sonograms, she appears to be every bit as active as her Mommy was:)